For many people, “splurging” may feel like a dirty word. After all, there is something inherently indulgent about splurges. But time and time again, wise splurges or treats have been proven to increase overall happiness and satisfaction. Of course, it’s important to splurge smart, and jewelry is no exception. Instead of opting for a never-ending cycle of buying more and more, follow these simple tips and learn to splurge wisely on something that is guaranteed to last a lifetime.
1) Splurge Small…but Frequently
Treats can mean a lot of things. For some people, a vacation or upgraded car is a splurge. For others, a splurge can be as small as a cup of coffee. Regardless of what you define as a “splurge,” it’s important to partake in small and frequent splurges for maximum happiness. For jewelry, this is simple: a pair of earrings or a necklace is a small splurge that will last a lifetime. Opt for splurges that are doable and “small,” but will have a lasting effect. It may seem simple, but human happiness is surprisingly complicated.
2) Think About Daily Use
Often, it’s not even the act of splurging that brings happiness. Instead, it’s the long-term effect of the item bought. The more often you use a “splurge item,” the more happiness it will bring. In addition, the more often you wear a piece of jewelry that was a splurge, the cheaper the item costs over a lifetime. For example, a ring that is $1,000, but is worn every day for five years, costs less than a dollar per wear. It’s important to choose items that make sense with your budget, but it’s even more important to pick jewelry pieces that will bring long-term happiness. For example, the Pearl Earrings match every outfit and every occasion, making it the perfect “splurge.”
3) Delayed Gratification
Delayed gratification can be painful in the moment, but ultimately brings increased happiness. Instead of splurging on a whim, be sure to give yourself time to fully enjoy the purchase and the process of buying your new accessory. Not only will the actual purchase feel sweeter, but the process will bring happiness as well. After all, there’s nothing more fulfilling than buying a piece of jewelry that you’ve been pining after.