Created by Shonda Rhimes, Scandal is ABC’s primetime political drama. Created in 2012, the show focuses on Olivia Pope, the high-powered and extremely competent owner of a “crisis management firm.” Set in the political landscape of Washington D.C., Olivia manages the most powerful men and women in the country, including fictional president, Fitzgerald Grant. Bursting with betrayal, illicit love affairs, and powerful political players, Scandal has captivated the minds of the viewing public. The fourth season is currently on air and Olivia Pope is back with a vengeance. Of course, Mellie Grant, the politically maneuvering and recently scorned wife of President Grant is back as well. Cable television’s most powerful ladies are back on the small screen. Celebrate their return with Scandal inspired jewelry.

Olivia Pope means business. From her perfectly styled outfits that consist of flawless pantsuits and very expensive heels, to her revulsion of failure, Olivia means serious business, and her jewelry conveys that. Whether she’s on a date or walking through the gates of the White House, Olivia’s jewelry choices convey understated power. Ms. Pope is an established power player in the world of D.C. politics and has nothing to prove. Instead of trying to unnecessarily prove her skill, Olivia focuses on pieces that subtly enhance her outfit. Her three favorite accessories include: a long chain necklace, small dangle earrings, and a single bracelet. 

While Olivia oozes understated power, the First Lady takes a different approach to political maneuvering. Both in her personal life and in her fashion choices, Mellie Grant believes in bold statements. Of course, her jewelry is no different. As the First Lady of the United States of America, Mrs. Grant remains timelessly classic and relatively understated, but she also adds touches of personal style and flair. For Mrs. Grant, there are three jewelry staples as well: bracelets on both wrists, layered necklaces, and chunky pendants. To access your inner White House power player, try the Oval Citrine Pendant.

Whether you’re a fan of Olivia, Mellie, or prefer a delightful blend of both, celebrate the return of Scandal with jewelry inspired by Washington D.C.’s most impressive ladies.