Recently it was brought to our attention that one of our retail jewelers posted an excellent blog about us. We are very honored and want to send a big thank you to EE Robbins for the kind words. You can view the originl post here: EE Robbins Blog
"Thank God for Mark Schneider"
"Mark Schneider has won more design awards than any other jewelry designer in modern history. In fact, the long list of prestigious jewelry design awards that he has won just got that much longer after winning several more honors for his bridal collection this past spring. He is one of the few jewelry Designers in the entire world to have his works exhibited in the Smithsonian Institute.
We are very proud to be among a handful of exclusive stores in the country to represent his beautiful ring line. However, it is not his unrivaled design talent or his beautiful ring creations that are the key reason why we are so grateful to feature Mark’s prestigious line of engagement and wedding rings.
The overwhelming reason we are so proud to represent his line is because Mark Schneider is simply one of the nicest people you will ever meet. He comes up to visit our stores several times a year and he knows most of our associates by name. He appreciates each and every one of our associates. He brings donuts or bagels in the mornings when he visits us. He asks about our families and shows that he truly cares about our company’s best interests, our associates and our customers. He is kind, sincere, thoughtful, humble and honest.
He encompasses not only what we look for in a vendor, but the qualities you want in a close friend. I wish every one of our vendors could be like Mark Schneider. Our work would be so much more enjoyable if everyone was able to conduct their business like Mark, his wonderful wife Nancy and his caring and attentive staff.
While we do have a handful of other vendors that we love and appreciate working with; unfortunately I have to say that based on our experience, most jewelry manufacturers and Designers have proven to be the diametric opposite of Mark. All of these Manufacturers are naturally hungry for your business, but through the years, we’ve sadly learned that when it comes right down to it, most don’t really care about our company, our associates or our clients. What the majority of them seem to care about is how much you buy from them and how quickly you pay your bills. I guess this is the sad reality of the business world; maybe even the world in general. However, since I admittedly tend to be an idealist, I find this reality disturbing.
We at E.E. Robbins very much believe that a business relationship, in order to be successful, needs to be based on mutual trust and respect. A relationship where each party truly wants the other to be successful and realizes that in order to do this, both must understand and care about the others wants and needs. Just like a successful marriage, it’s best if we share common goals and views of how we want to the world to be. I guess it comes down to doing business with people who live by the Golden Rule; who believe in treating others just as we ourselves want to be treated. While this unwritten rule sure seems simple enough and most everyone talks the talk; unfortunately we have found vendors like Mark Schneider to be very rare indeed.
If you like believe in karma as we do and you are looking for a unique and beautiful engagement or wedding ring, you just can’t do better than a ring from Mark Schneider to symbolize your lifelong commitment to each other. In any case, we remain thankful that we have the privilege of doing business with people like Mark Schneider."
-Emmerson Robbins, EE Robbins